What is Hermetic magic? Core Principles of Hermeticism
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What is Hermetic magic? Core Principles of Hermeticism

Updated: Mar 23

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What is Hermetic magic?

1. Rituals and Ceremonies

Ceremonial Magic: Hermetic magic often involves elaborate rituals and ceremonies designed to create a sacred space, establish a connection with the divine, and manifest desired outcomes.

Circle Casting: Practitioners create a circle, often marked with symbols or candles, to contain and focus the magical energy. The circle acts as a boundary between the mundane world and the sacred space.

Invocation and Evocation: Involves calling upon spiritual entities, such as angels, spirits, or elemental forces, to assist in the magical work. Invocation seeks to bring the divine presence within oneself, while evocation calls forth external entities.

Theurgy: Theurgical practices involve invoking divine energies such as Archangels for personal transformation and spiritual growth. This may include prayers, chants, or meditations to connect with higher realms.

2. Magical Tools and Correspondences

Wands and Athames: These tools are used to direct and focus energy during rituals. A wand is typically associated with invocation and positive energies, while an athame (ritual knife) is used for cutting energetic ties and banishing negativity.

Chalice: Represents the element of water and is used to hold sacred liquids such as water or wine, symbolizing the divine feminine and receptivity.

Pentacle: Often a disk inscribed with symbols, the pentacle represents the element of earth and is used for grounding and manifestation.

Incense and Candles: Used to create an atmosphere conducive to magic, as well as to represent the element of air (incense) and fire (candles).

Sigils: Symbolic representations of intentions or desires, often created through combining letters or symbols. These sigils are charged with energy and released into the universe to manifest the desired outcome.

Fortune telling cards

3. Energetic Work and Visualization

Visualization: Practitioners of Hermetic magic often use visualization techniques to create mental images of their desired outcomes. This helps to focus the mind and channel energy towards a specific goal.

Meditation: Meditation is a key practice in Hermetic magic for attuning oneself to higher energies, gaining insight, and achieving a state of balance and clarity.

Energy Manipulation: Practitioners work with energy, often referred to as "mana," "chi," or "prana," to create change in the physical and spiritual realms. This energy can be directed through gestures, breathwork, or focused intention.

Examples of Hermetic Magical Practices

1. Sigil Magic

Creation of Sigils: Practitioners create a personal sigil by condensing their intention into a unique symbol. This can be done through combining and rearranging letters of a desire or using artistic methods to create a symbol that represents the desire.

Charging Sigils: Once the sigil is created, it is charged with energy. This can be done through focused meditation, visualization, or ritualistic practices. The practitioner infuses the sigil with their intent and purpose.

Activation and Release: After charging, the practitioner releases the sigil into the universe, often by burning it, burying it, or otherwise sending it out into the world. This act of release allows the sigil to manifest the desired outcome.

2. Ceremonial Rituals

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP): A foundational ritual in Hermetic magic, used for banishing negative energies and establishing a sacred space. The practitioner traces pentagrams in the air while invoking divine names and elemental forces.

The Middle Pillar Ritual: This ritual focuses on balancing and harmonizing the energy centers (chakras or Sephiroth) within the body. The practitioner visualizes divine energy flowing through the body, balancing the spiritual and physical aspects of the self.

3. Astrological Magic

Planetary Hours: Practitioners of Hermetic magic often work with specific planetary energies during certain times of the day, known as planetary hours. Each hour of the day is associated with a particular planet and its corresponding attributes.

Astrological Talismans: Astrological magic involves creating talismans or amulets based on the positions of celestial bodies. These talismans are charged with specific planetary or astrological energies and used to manifest desired outcomes related to those energies.

4. Divination and Scrying

Tarot: Tarot cards are often used for divination and gaining insights into the past, present, and future. Each card carries symbolic meanings and can be used to tap into the subconscious mind.

Crystal Ball Scrying: Scrying involves gazing into a crystal ball or other reflective surface to receive visions or messages. Practitioners use this method to access intuitive knowledge and receive guidance.

Aladdins lamp against sunset

Core Principals of Hermeticism

1. The Principle of Correspondence

Application: In Hermetic magic, practitioners align their rituals and practices with corresponding elements, planets, and energies. For example, invoking the element of fire for passion and energy, or working with the planet Venus for matters of love and harmony.

2. The Principle of Polarity

Balancing Opposites: Practitioners of Hermetic magic seek to balance opposing forces within themselves and in their magical work. This could involve integrating light and shadow aspects of the self, or working with opposing elemental energies for harmony and equilibrium.

3. The Principle of Cause and Effect

Karma and Intention: Hermetic magic emphasizes the law of cause and effect, teaching that every action has a corresponding reaction. Practitioners are encouraged to act with positive intentions and awareness of the consequences of their actions.

4. The Principle of Mentalism

Power of the Mind: Hermetic magic underscores the idea that the mind is a powerful tool for manifestation. Practitioners use visualization, meditation, and focused intention to create change in the physical and spiritual realms.


Hermetic magic is a multifaceted and profound spiritual tradition that combines philosophy, ritual, symbolism, and energy work. Through practices such as sigil magic, ceremonial rituals, astrological magic, and divination, practitioners seek to tap into higher realms of consciousness, gain insights, and manifest desired outcomes.

By aligning with the core principles of Hermeticism—such as the unity of all things, the balance of opposites, and the power of the mind—practitioners of Hermetic magic embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and transformation. It is a path of exploration into the mysteries of the universe, seeking to uncover hidden knowledge and harness the forces of creation.

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